About Us

Bob and Cara MerusiConcreteBenchMolds, LLC is a family owned and operated business run by Cara Merusi of Edinburgh, Scotland and Bob Merusi of Framingham, MA.

Bob is the former Park and Recreation Director of Framingham, MA, with over 40 years of experience in the business. Around 15 years ago, Bob developed a pre-fabricated set of bench molds that allowed his maintenance department to build high quality, durable benches in their own maintenance shop. They worked so well, that the department continues to use the molds today.

In recognizing the value of her father’s product, Cara brought the molds to market in 2012, and founded ConcreteBenchMolds, LLC. With a strong customer response from the offset, the company is proudly supplying bench molds to park and recreation departments, public works departments, golf courses, marinas, conservation trusts, schools and colleges, housing authorities, campgrounds, amusement parks, zoos, small businesses, transit authorities, and even to scout troops for Eagle Scout projects.

The molds are manufactured locally in Woburn, MA and shipped nationally. A slight modification was made to the design of the molds in 2014 and the product was patented in 2019.

Please contact Bob for information about using the molds, building benches, creating branding/advertising space, or becoming a distributor: bobm@concretebenchmolds.com

Contact Cara for sales, marketing, website issues, or any other inquiry: cara@concretebenchmolds.com